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 Committed  to  Conservation and a Sustainable  Outfitting Heritage

  1. Develop and implement effective land tenure policy.

  2. Be a respected and “good” neighbour.

  3. Be a recognized partner in conservation and effective wildlife resource management.

  4. Contribute to implementation of effective quota guidelines and procedures to ensure outfitters have long-term tenure and a fair share of the harvestable surplus.

  5. Ensure an efficiently run and well governed “member-serving” association.

  6. Continue to be appropriately funded.

  7. Recognize accomplishment and celebrate success.

  1. We support responsible ORV use to ensure retention of: habitat, wilderness, and harvestable wildlife populations.

  2. We support ORV legislation and regulation to ensure that ORV use (or restriction) enables management objectives to be met with respect to habitat, wilderness, and harvestable wildlife populations. 

  3. We support information programs to enable ORV users to become more aware of effects of ORV use on habitat, wilderness, and harvestable wildlife populations.

  4. Different areas of the Yukon may have different ORV management objectives with respect to habitat, wilderness, and harvestable wildlife populations. 

  5. Some areas of the Yukon could be designated as non motorized areas between April 1 and Oct 31.

  6. Some areas of the Yukon could be designated for non-motorized use throughout the year. 

  7. We support ATV registration and/or mechanisms that easily identify ORV ownership. (i.e. license plates)

  8. We support establishment of designated trails as an effective mechanism to identify where ORVs may be used.


Big game outfitting in the Yukon operates under an

exclusive concession system that is highly regulated by the government.

The Yukon Outfitters Association recognizes that high standards of ethical behaviour,

both on an individual and industry basis, must be maintained.


  • A member must hold a valid outfitting licence in the Yukon Territory.

  • A member must be familiar with the Yukon Wildlife Act and other related statutes, as well as all laws & regulations enacted there under. A member shall advise both employees and customers of their rights and responsibilities within his outfitting concession.

  • A member shall not cause, encourage, or condone any violation of the Yukon Wildlife Act and/or related statutes and of the regulations passed there under.

  • A member shall practice sound wildlife conservation and promote and encourage its practice by others within his concession.

  • A member is required to provide and maintain stock, equipment, food supply and related facilities which are commensurate with those he has advertised to the public.

  • A member shall maintain a high standard of public safety for both workers and clients.

  • A member shall have particular regard to the provision of clean, sanitary accommodation and should promote the highest standards possible in the preparation of food.

  • A member contravenes the code of standards if they give false or misleading information to prospective customers. In particular, false or misleading information relating to accommodation, available game species, outfitting fees & expenses, hunting terrain, and equipment or livestock available.

  • A member shall be willing to make restitution in cash or in kind for wilful breach of contract between himself and the customer, where the customer is not at fault.

  • A member shall not trespass upon the rights of any other member.

  • A member shall maintain a degree of proficiency, responsibility, and professional standards that are satisfactory to the membership as a whole of the association.

Each outfitter, guide and hunter has a legal and moral obligation to ensure

that all edible wild game meat from harvested animals is not wasted or left in the field. People hunt for a variety of reasons. Some hunt strictly to put wild meat on their table. Others hunt because it allows them to be closer to nature and justifies more quality time spent in the wilderness. Some individuals hunt because it is deeply rooted in the social fabric of their culture. Others hunt to bring home a trophy set and antlers. The reasons people hunt are varied, complex and often overlapping. However, the basic rule of modern hunting trips is that all edible meat from harvested animals should be eaten.


All members take pride in the Outfitters Code of Ethical Standards and strive to maintain a sustainable & healthy wildlife population for all species in the Yukon.



47 Redwood Street
Whitehorse, Yukon Territory

Y1A 4B2 Canada


(867) 334-9127

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